रविवार, 1 फ़रवरी 2015

My love life is not a Game of Monopoly

Why is it we have to play games in relationships.  Why does my love life resemble jenga more than the notebook? I recently got into the longest, lamest nothing fight in history with my guy. Instead of being adults, we are at a stalemate. Because that’s how it works now a days. Let’s see who is going to crack first. Who is going to send the first text or ask to hang out or want to talk? Who is going to apologize? I say who goddamn cares?
I don’t want to “win” or be right. I don’t even know what winning in this situation would be anymore. I just want to be able to eat pizza and watch Adventure Time with the man I love. So what the crap?. I am too old to be playing games, most of us are, but we still do it. We don’t want to reach out and seem needy or clingy. We don’t want to be rejected or hurt. Well we are all a giant bunch of vaginas and need to grow a pair. No one ever got anywhere by doing nothing.

Worst case scenario, you get completely ignored. Perhaps the other person moved to Africa and has mo wifi ( it could happen). May be the had a chemical accident at work and cant see your text or hear your call and they don’t have a brail phone yet. Or they clearly died. Which is sad, but you would have never  known if you didn’t reach out and those new black pumps needed a good funeral to go to.
What if they do answer, but the argument continues? I say go ham. If this stupid fight won’t die, them it’s time to hash it out. However, fight nice. No name calling, no blame, no crazy bullshit. Just the facts, ma’am. My best advice, when something your other half does is upsetting or hurtful, always use “I” statements. “I feel upset when you call me a cunt.” Just a loose example, but it takes away the attack and lets them be less defensive. And if none of that works, punch them in the face and be done with that crazy dbag.
Or the outcome that for some reason we never expect could happen. They could actually want to make up and move on. It would be shocking I know, but try not to pee yourself. In that case just let it go if you can, talk out anything you need to, and make sure there is lots of hugging (or sex, sex is good.)

Unfortunately for me, my situation may have been the final straw for something that was not quite meant to make it even this far. Only time will tell, but I hope better luck upon the rest of you. Always remember, you are worth more than you think. Never let anyone else dictate that.

Jai Singh